For your homework please listen to the closing guitar solo(s) of the title of this post and rate and compare to "Free Bird." You youngsters need to understand that one other thing you can hate us old fuckers for is the fact that we had the best music and yours totally sucks. We didn't do that. You did. I posted the picture of the "Okee Dokey Corral" (above) because when perusing photo's this morning the green grass surrounding caught my eye, and tugged at my heart. We haven't seen too much winter yet, and the next week looks balmy for Saskatchewan January, but man, oh man, do I ever need spring. Two hours driving the snowblower yesterday exploded that feeling. (Jeezus, my back is tender today.) I wrote a piece for a Facebook group on Sunday. My piece tried to inject a slight amount of humor into a group that is dry as Saskatchewan dust. "How much is this?" "Have you seen that?" "Is it open Christmas Day?" My post receive...
(Fake) Pastor Dino's rant trap.